What is loyalty? Literally, it may be defined as "the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to something or someone..". I suppose that can be understood as binding yourself to a friend, a job, your love, your spouse..and so on.
True loyalty is a rare commodity nowadays...Even those who stake claim to be completely loyal can misinterpret folly as loyalty..... Numerous examples can be cited where a simple act of loyal behavior has brought down many a man to his knees.
By default,humans want to be loyal..... A lot has been said about the disloyal intentions of a philandering husband,but nevertheless,people want to be loyal. Admit it or not,you may have questioned yourself about it quite often as well....If not, ask yourself now, "Am I loyal?"," Do I like being loyal to people?" More often than not, "Yes" rings clear in the head...
And yet,day after day,month after month,year after year...people do question your loyalty! A minor incident where you chose another side...(which at that point seemed correct),...a small joke that you played on a friend in the presence of other 'friends' that upset him/her,...a question or a piece of information that wasn't passed on,..a smile that wasn't given,...a secret that wasn't shared,.. a task that was due but wasn't done....PHEW!!
Now,if you were nodding to some of those instances,you've definitely questioned your friends opinion on your loyalty...Or you've questioned your own opinion of a friends loyalty.....
So why do we pretend? Why is it that every act of 'disloyalty' gets magnified when someone else has done it? Why do we seek our relations to have loyalty when it is questionably a virtue present in us?
People may bring in the arguments of a married couple where either the husband or the wife expects loyalty from the spouse and is justified.... My justification (whatever it may be) would be akin to stepping on thin ice... If I were to step aside from this article and comment on this,then yes,I firmly believe Loyalty is a must-have in a marriage.... A roving eye can be tolerated, but certainly not a philandering spouse...
But this post wasn't to bring attention to the beautiful comedy of errors that a marriage is...But instead,this was to elaborate loyalty in less demanding but by no means less important relations like friendship,like love....
So have I done that? I guess not... I started this as a post for my thoughts on what I'd been seeing in the recent past in my own relationships...But suddenly, the importance of this post seems lost... Why am I cribbing about loyalty when the contents of this post were to highlight the shallowness of the very word?!
I learnt my lesson during this post... I cannot expect people to do unto me what I cannot do unto them as well....And even if I exhibit such extraordinary levels of loyalty expected from me, I'm bound to upset one person or the other....So why pretend? Nope... No more to expect from the relationships that I sought to give me their all...No more fights on the flawed idealism that loyalty is...
(But as human as I am, I'm aware of how short term my emotional memory is... he he...)
I recall one quote that makes my enlightenment complete....“People who love only once in their lives are. . . shallow people. What they call their loyalty, and their fidelity, I call either the lethargy of custom or their lack of imagination.”
Think about it....