Friday, October 12, 2007

A thought to chew on... first blog on my thoughts...This one's goin to be fun...

Now what is the first name that springs to your mind when I say.."Friendship!"?? so you have a name.. Now come to think of it,is this a person you've met recently or have had a long term friendship with? If I'm guessing right,it's been long term (long being a relative idea!!)

Have you ever wondered about the possibilities when this friend of yours might turn out to do something against you....NO! I'm not talking about the minor squabbles, fights that you may have had over something trivial (as I'd put it 'Worldly')..NO.. This is about the fights that have emerged from conflicts in your principles. I do not know how many reading this have ever had the good fortune of having a "Principle fight" with your friends...but for those that have,I've got just one thing to say.... "You're damn lucky!!".

No..I'm not out of my mind... It is such fights that have made people stronger...and admit it or not,it's what's made you stronger over the years too. Like controlled friction causes parts of a machine to harden over time,like persistent hunger,poverty hardens the true nature of men....... like constant failures drive the Indian cricket team to go all out to win(!!!).. The fights that you tend to whisk away as a mere fall-out will do you more good than harm, but that comes from the right conditioning.

A mind accustomed to giving in to pressure cannot make much progress up the learning graphs from his fights. It becomes so much of a routine to fail that you'd rather have people leave you down and alone than support you.

Then what kind of a person learns from a fight? A person that understands the value of the friends he intends to keep close for long... A person who realises that the best moments in life do not come from the trips that you've been to, the eateries that you may have frequented or the classes that you may have bunked with friends....
Nope....the best moments in life are when you're down and out, and there's no one to come to your help. As you lie on a virtual floor of ice somewhere,freezing your ass will see a shimmer of light..You can call this whatever you want....Hope, Faith, Trust, Love and any more of these outdated vitruvian values. This light will help you on your feet, will help you warm that frozen ass and teach you to laugh it off....As the typical nature of humans goes,you will want to name it with a relation(as we do to all feelings that are going just fine by themselves).. You start to wonder-"is this a friend?", "Do I know this?...I mean I've felt this before...." and so on...

It takes a fair deal of introspection to realise that this light was from within....!! It was all you... There is this quote I read somewhere that rings in my head after a fight... "Self alone is the best friend of self"...but I guess that was for people like me....For others, here's a thought that I'd like to leave you with......

"A friend helps you to move, a real friend helps you to move a body"....

Think about it!

1 comment:

rachana said...

Nice one...a handsome write

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