Saturday, June 23, 2012




Each waking moment and each unconscious pattern that manifests itself is a reminder of the beauty we house in ourselves. And where have I found greater beauty than your soul? It is this ephemeral, formless beauty that drives and motivates, loves and angers, cares and hurts, cuddles and violates, gives and makes love with my own soul. Every waking moment is a dream because you're in my life. Every unconscious pattern is a reality because I'm living my dream each day through us. I am unfazed by what another will be or already is in possession of, for nothing can compare to having you. To consume every inch of your body like it were my own, to love each wave of your mind like a turbulent sea, to entwine in your soul like our bodies do, so often in boundless time-spaces. This is my dream, my reality.

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